Roy Murphy photo  


(Almost all the photographs and illustrations on this site are by Roy Murphy.)

Editor / Writer
Managing editor of a 32-page monthly tabloid newspaper based in New York, South Africa News, on the emergence of South Africa from apartheid. Commissioned articles, edited, rewrote and laid out every issue.
Senior editor of two financial newsletters, edited content, wrote six articles a month on economic trends and profiles of funds and fund managers, and laid out all issues (twice monthly).
Edited and wrote grant applications for Vokashi, Inc., a for-profit start-up.
Edited, designed and produced a series of books for the United Nations Management Development Programme.
News editor of local television news in New Zealand, assigned stories, edited copy, and presented stories.

Designed many books of children's stories, short stories, poetry and non-fiction.
Designed several websites for myself and other clients. Edited and rewrote the website of the United Nations Statistics Division, prepared new introductory pages and abstracts, and made wording and navigational aids consistent.
Designed several educational and informational newsletters, annual reports, brochures, letterheads and mass mailouts.
Assembled academic and popular books by paging, placing tables, figures illustrations and design symbols throughout the text, providing indexes where required.
Produced series of training manuals for Forest Laboratories drug sales personnel.
Designed Powerpoint client presentations for Morgan Stanley using graphs, photos, illustrations and animation.
Laid out for print commercial labels and carton packaging of soap and perfume products, using Quark Xpress, Illustrator and Photoshop.

Produced the feature film Wild Man in 1976, New Zealand's first feature film for many years. An excerpt can be seen here.
Co-produced with Television New Zealand a six-part comedy series Blerta, which won the award for the best New Zealand light entertainment of the year. An excerpt can be seen here.

Wrote, produced and edited many short television documentaries and profiles on sports and the arts, and a 15-minute informational video for the medical personnel of the United Nations Medical Service assigned to tropical areas.

Data Entry
Entered accounting data for tax purposes in Quicken and Quickbooks.
Entered legal data for databases in legal firms.
Entered and maintained customer records in many mailing databases.

Indexed non-fiction books for City Desktop Productions, the United Nations and Mellen Press.

Professional Organizations
National Writers Union
Foreign Press Association, New York (life member)
American Society for Indexing
Editorial Freelancers Association, New York

Bachelor of Arts, Victoria University, New Zealand
Diploma of Journalism, Canterbury University, New Zealand